About Me

- Misty Setzler Photo blog
- Lubbock, Tx, United States
- Lubbock Texas children photographer, family photographer. Thanks for coming to the blog! I plan to update as often as I can a few sneak peeks of my latest work! If you are interested in photos please go back to my web page and contact me! Have a blessed day!
Misty Setzler Web Site
Thursday, October 13, 2011
New blog
Hey everyone my blog is moving locations! please adjust your bookmarks www.mistysetzlerblog.com :)
Friday, October 7, 2011
52 Project {week 39} | Lubbock, Tx family photographer
This weeks theme is "Fall", I happen to love fall I just don't happen to live in a place where fall really comes or last long no beautiful trees with leaves of every color. Last week it was in the mid to upper 90's doesn't really scream fall!
Even though fall hasn't really come to visit me, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy one of my favorite fall treats starbucks pumpkin spice latte!
Wondering what I've been doing for these past 39 weeks or how I meet the other ladies of my circles well head over to The everything bloom blog! With out a doubt I know Christine Blaylock, Illinois Photographer will have something fabulous to share about fall!
BTW I need to totally brag on my friend Cody, he's the guy I work with doing my photo shoot for the newspaper. Thats not what I'm bragging about... this guy here just beat cancer thats right my friends a month ago he was cancerous... and today he's clean. The power of prayer and early detection is amazing!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Even though fall hasn't really come to visit me, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy one of my favorite fall treats starbucks pumpkin spice latte!
Wondering what I've been doing for these past 39 weeks or how I meet the other ladies of my circles well head over to The everything bloom blog! With out a doubt I know Christine Blaylock, Illinois Photographer will have something fabulous to share about fall!
BTW I need to totally brag on my friend Cody, he's the guy I work with doing my photo shoot for the newspaper. Thats not what I'm bragging about... this guy here just beat cancer thats right my friends a month ago he was cancerous... and today he's clean. The power of prayer and early detection is amazing!
Friday, September 30, 2011
52 Project {week 38} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
This weeks theme is "Vintage" I liked this one, I would have loved to take my new pink couch out to a lovely field but seeing as how this is a perfect gem it'll be my office couch not field couch ;)
Skip over to see Crystal Keith, San Diego Photographer Vintage image. Also see what the other groups are up too on The Bloom forum blog!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Skip over to see Crystal Keith, San Diego Photographer Vintage image. Also see what the other groups are up too on The Bloom forum blog!
Friday, September 23, 2011
52 Project {week 37} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
This weeks theme is "Perspective", lol perception would have been much more simple :)
Thank goodness I have an over helpful basset hound... I'm sure your jealous... not! :) we still love her and all of her craziness.
Heres Ginger aerial perspective
And Gingers grounded perspective
Please see what the rest of my fantastic group came up with starting out with the awesome Jobrina Hofleit,Goodyear, AZ Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Thank goodness I have an over helpful basset hound... I'm sure your jealous... not! :) we still love her and all of her craziness.
Heres Ginger aerial perspective
And Gingers grounded perspective
Please see what the rest of my fantastic group came up with starting out with the awesome Jobrina Hofleit,Goodyear, AZ Photographer
Friday, September 16, 2011
52 week project {week 36} | Lubbock, tx photographer
Sorry if you already saw this post if not, then you have no idea that I made a boobo!
This weeks theme is "stranger", I was a little suck on this until I ran into a few ducks. I like ducks they are funny little animals some will come running up to you and then some will run away {unless you have bread} I however was not preparired for the ducks so they took off I was a stranger.
Please go see what the rest of the group came up for strangers Amy Craft, San Antonio,Texas photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
This weeks theme is "stranger", I was a little suck on this until I ran into a few ducks. I like ducks they are funny little animals some will come running up to you and then some will run away {unless you have bread} I however was not preparired for the ducks so they took off I was a stranger.
Please go see what the rest of the group came up for strangers Amy Craft, San Antonio,Texas photographer
Friday, September 9, 2011
52 Project {week 35} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
So after posting last night in a fog of migraine meds and well a migraine I made a boo boo... oops this weeks theme is "On the streets" in my confusion I don't have a photo to fit the right theme... I'm off to get something new!
Here it is "on the street" soon like in two weeks this will no longer be my street, so for the last almost seven years the place where I called home will someone else's home. It's weird I wont lie I'm excited to be in a new bigger home but slightly sad at the same time but it'll all be good... if I can make it threw the move! :) so this is possibly the last shot i'll take of this street.
Head over to see everyone else has found on the streets, Nicole Lubin, Baltimore MD Photographer
Here it is "on the street" soon like in two weeks this will no longer be my street, so for the last almost seven years the place where I called home will someone else's home. It's weird I wont lie I'm excited to be in a new bigger home but slightly sad at the same time but it'll all be good... if I can make it threw the move! :) so this is possibly the last shot i'll take of this street.
Head over to see everyone else has found on the streets, Nicole Lubin, Baltimore MD Photographer
Friday, September 2, 2011
52 Project {week 34} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
This weeks theme is "Brave," so many things come to mind when I think of being brave partly because I also think it can be slightly dangerous. Nothing in life goes as planned right, you can do everything in your power and make all the right choices but really you have no control! We learned that the hard way three years ago when our brave son, Jake was born. I had a lovely pregnancy I felt really great and was getting around well all looked good. I ate super healthy took really good care of my self did everything I could, but it didn't matter. Jake was born 3 weeks early which in todays world is really good, however he had issues that no one was prepared for. I remember going into NICU and seeing my new baby for the second time covered in tubes and wires and the doctor going over chest x-rays with us, and he then told us we might not take him home. I stopped listening, he was wrong I just knew it Jake was going to be my brave little boy! After two collapsed lungs and a double lung infection which they still don't know what caused it or why it happened we left the hospital 20 days later with our son, by Gods will!
He is our brave and fearless child, and we have God to thank for that so standing at 3ft. 2in he has no problem climbing monkey bars that are 6.5ft tall!
Please head over to the lovely Nicole Lubin, Baltimore Maryland Photographer And see what she has done for brave.
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
He is our brave and fearless child, and we have God to thank for that so standing at 3ft. 2in he has no problem climbing monkey bars that are 6.5ft tall!
Please head over to the lovely Nicole Lubin, Baltimore Maryland Photographer And see what she has done for brave.
Friday, August 26, 2011
52 Project {week 33} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
I feel beyond accomplished for making it to 33 weeks! This week theme is "ODD"....? Yeah I sort of questioned this for days... I even googled it. I'm stumped but I thought whats odd to one might just be funny to someone else? And without going to the mall and randomly finding interesting people to take photos of unknowingly {as my sister suggested} I thought I would make my silly stewy odd! I do believe he's one of the most proper dogs and its beyond fitting that he would wear a tie... I'm even thinking of making him his own bow ties!
So follow the ODD circle this week and see what Amanda Jouppi, Chippewa Falls Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
So follow the ODD circle this week and see what Amanda Jouppi, Chippewa Falls Photographer
Friday, August 19, 2011
52 Project {week 32} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
This weeks theme is "Nostalgia," don't get me wrong I LOVE my technology but there are things that I miss very much like hand written notes, not just a quick text message sent while you were multitasking. I always tell my friends all you have to do is send me a simple note it'll make my day... or even week. I like getting mail with stamps that someone took the extra time to write out and mail. I make it a point to send notes to my friends often, and I might be one of the few but I love the write thank you cards!
So please take a walk down memory lane and see what the very talented Meghan Boyer, Maryland Lifestyle Photographer.
Friday, August 12, 2011
52 Project {week 31} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
This weeks theme is alone, enough said ;)
Please see the rest of the lovely ladies starting withAmy Craft, San Antonio, Texas Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Please see the rest of the lovely ladies starting withAmy Craft, San Antonio, Texas Photographer
Friday, August 5, 2011
52 Project {week 30} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
This weeks theme is "time" I found it sort of hard to photography maybe because I feel stuck in a rut and way frustrated with so many things in my life right now. I spend my time doing things I love for the people I love all the time!
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
Bertrand Russell
Here's my Lily this is something that she has been spending a lot of time on, and something that when she gets older she'll look back at and remember this point in time!
Please head over and see what Nicole Lubin, Baltimore Maryland Photographer has for time.
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
Bertrand Russell
Here's my Lily this is something that she has been spending a lot of time on, and something that when she gets older she'll look back at and remember this point in time!
Please head over and see what Nicole Lubin, Baltimore Maryland Photographer has for time.
Friday, July 29, 2011
52 Project {week 29} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
This week this theme is "sparkles" what girl doesn't love sparkles! I've been working on this idea since monday needless to say my house has been covered in glitter, and my migraine only got worse so I never got a reshoot. Now please go see all that sparkles and shines in the circle this week with the dazzling Nicole Denae Photography, Cypress Texas Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Friday, July 22, 2011
52 Project {week 28} | Lubbock, Tx Family Photographer
Week 28, woohoo! This weeks theme is summer, and oh how I love summer... however this summer has been less then pleasant! It has over been 100 degrees just about every day since the end of May, we have had zero rain and so that means our flat landscape is also dried out and dead or is burnt from a fire! And with it being this hot we often have impromptu sprinkler play time, but not until after 7 when it's only 98 outside!
Follow me so see what everyone has done for summer but hoping over to Jenn Duguay, Valleyview, Alberta Photographer.
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Follow me so see what everyone has done for summer but hoping over to Jenn Duguay, Valleyview, Alberta Photographer.
Friday, July 15, 2011
52 Project {week 27} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
So I almost had to pass up this week but thankfully my little lily will always help me out! And plus she was excited to get flowers! So this weeks theme is "Yellow"! So please see the circle of photographers there are only 10 of us this week. Amy Craft, San Antonio Texas Photographer will have a fantastic yellow photo to share!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Friday, July 8, 2011
Villanueva Girls | Lubbock, Tx Family photographer
Just another reason why I love Google, These beautiful's girls Momma found me and I'm so glad she did, there were an amazing sweet family! We had a super hot morning when we did their shoot and the little one was cutting a new tooth! For cutting a tooth she did fabulous!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
52 Project {week 26} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
Week 25 already oh how time fly's! This weeks theme is independence, I could totally go off last weeks theme of red white and blue for this but some times independence is the small things in life that we often take for granted... like pouring our own glass of milk! :)
Please follow the circle to Z's the Day Photography, Santa Barbara Family Photographer She always has something fantastic to share!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Please follow the circle to Z's the Day Photography, Santa Barbara Family Photographer She always has something fantastic to share!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Bennett kids | Lubbock, Tx family photographer
I had the pleasure of meeting the Bennett family, and running around the park with these kids! They were such a fun bunch, and they were very sweet to each other!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Friday, July 1, 2011
52 Project {week 25} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
This weeks theme is red, white and blue! Let me just say I'm a proud American, I would never want to go any where else! I've got family member in the military and I'm beyond proud of them for their courage and hard work for keeping this country safe, Hats off to all the men and women that have and will serve this country Thank you!
Please go see everyones Red, White and Blue images! Amy Craft, San Antonio Texas Photographer always has something awesome to share!
Lily and Jake had a blast wearing the flag for me, and then I made sure they new the pledge!
I pledge allegiance to the flag,
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.
Friday, June 24, 2011
52 Project {week 24} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
Week 24, this weeks theme is "family and since I sort of posted a family photo last week so I thought I would post more about my whole family! I love family I love being around family and knowing that my kids have family to grow up with! I'm thankful for my family, for Josh, Lily and Jake but also to my mom and step dad. I'm thankful for my grandparents, aunt and uncle, sister,brother and cousins.
At every family event I'm expected to bring my camera and tripod grandma's orders after all! She loves having the big group shots, this was from a family reunion for one part of her family.
This is my husbands dad's side of the family, even with all this family we are still missing a lot in both photos!
Now head over to Meghan Boyer Maryland Lifestyle Photographer and see her family!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
At every family event I'm expected to bring my camera and tripod grandma's orders after all! She loves having the big group shots, this was from a family reunion for one part of her family.
This is my husbands dad's side of the family, even with all this family we are still missing a lot in both photos!
Now head over to Meghan Boyer Maryland Lifestyle Photographer and see her family!
Friday, June 17, 2011
52 Project {week 23} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
We are on week 23, there are 13 other photographers joining me this week. Our theme is "Home", I love it. Home is not really the house you live in but the place you feel safe in and where you can let your guard down. You could live in the same house for 30 years or move every year to a different house... but a house is just that.... a home is full of love! We are about to list our house and look for a new one, but my home will always be with these people that I love. So while I edit my photo for this post and write this up I'll be listening to Edward Sharpe & the magnetic zero's "Home"
It's one of my all time favorite songs it can put me in the best mood no matter what. :)
So please go see everyone else's home starting out with Shannon Derbique, Colorado Springs Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
It's one of my all time favorite songs it can put me in the best mood no matter what. :)
So please go see everyone else's home starting out with Shannon Derbique, Colorado Springs Photographer
Friday, June 10, 2011
52 Project {week 22} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
Week 22, I wont lie I get more and more excited that I've made it to each week as this goes along. So this week I have 12 other photographers joining me in this weeks theme "In a row". I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with! Go check out the circle starting with Liza Hall
So my boy loves for things to be in a row, and I'm loving the age he's at. Very playful and he's really acting things out. So like most nights he's playing trains, he had all 18 in a row and 5 in the train house.
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
So my boy loves for things to be in a row, and I'm loving the age he's at. Very playful and he's really acting things out. So like most nights he's playing trains, he had all 18 in a row and 5 in the train house.
Friday, June 3, 2011
52 Project {week 21} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
Week 21 wow I'm beyond impressed with my self, not to brag but as much as I've had going on I'm happy to say I have yet to miss a week {knock on wood} This weeks theme is "daily life", we are in full blown summer mode already we've already made trips to the pool and have had cook outs. With the exception of a few early morning doctor appointments the kids and I have slept in just a little bit later and is SOOO nice, which mean we have also been staying up just a little later. It's terribly hot here and with no rain its VERY dry so we try to stay inside in the middle of the day and after dinner we go out for a few hours taking walks, doing yard work, bathing the dogs, and just hanging out.
These are just a few photos from wednesday night my husband went off to band practice so the kids and I took over... the wind was blowing a good 20mph which is always fun :)I love these kids more than they will ever know... this is our daily life hanging out have fun when it cools off outside!
And maybe your new to the blog so this is how it works I'm in this group from The Bloom Forum, you click the link to the next person and so on and so on, soon enough you'll end up back here. We've got a few out this week from sickness and busyness so lets pray for them good health and great fortune :) please go see everyones daily life, Nicole Lubin, Baltimore,MD Photographer .
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
These are just a few photos from wednesday night my husband went off to band practice so the kids and I took over... the wind was blowing a good 20mph which is always fun :)I love these kids more than they will ever know... this is our daily life hanging out have fun when it cools off outside!
And maybe your new to the blog so this is how it works I'm in this group from The Bloom Forum, you click the link to the next person and so on and so on, soon enough you'll end up back here. We've got a few out this week from sickness and busyness so lets pray for them good health and great fortune :) please go see everyones daily life, Nicole Lubin, Baltimore,MD Photographer .
Friday, May 27, 2011
52 Project {week 20} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
This weeks theme is landscape, I wish I lived somewhere that wasn't flat or that had stunning landscape but I just don't and I still manage! This is one of my favorite places to take seniors we tend to climb to the top of the old train trestle take a few up there and then come back down. And in honor of having my last senior of 2011 wrap up this week I found it very fitting!
Please go see all the beautiful landscapes that my group has to offer! Tara Carman, Cleveland Photographer is next up!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Please go see all the beautiful landscapes that my group has to offer! Tara Carman, Cleveland Photographer is next up!
Friday, May 20, 2011
52 Project {week 19} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
This weeks theme is WATER, let me just start off by saying this lovely city I live in has been in a drought for 3 years, IT'S A DIRT BOWL here and the wind blows around 25mph everyday! {Jealous I'm sure} So I was stuck its not as if I can take a picture of rain... btw whats rain? So the next best thing is my sweet boy scrubbing up!
So please go look through the circle and see what everyone else did for the water theme starting with Shannon Derbique, Colorado Springs Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
So please go look through the circle and see what everyone else did for the water theme starting with Shannon Derbique, Colorado Springs Photographer
Friday, May 13, 2011
52 Project {week 18} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
So this is way late today... Thanks blogger! This weeks theme is peace! Well theres only a million things that bring me peace a clean house, a quite house children getting along. Summer time good books alone time. It just so happens that the other night we were doing what we do best playing outside! The kids are running and happy it's been nice and hot here and whats better on a hot day than an ice cold beer! :) {even better the summer time brew}
Next up Crystal Keith, San Diego Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Next up Crystal Keith, San Diego Photographer
Friday, May 6, 2011
52 Project {week 17} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
So this weeks theme is favorite things. This is so very hard for me because I have many many simple things that bring me joy each and every day. The children saying the blessing for dinner, and night time prayers I love their sweet hearts. The random hugs I get for no reason hearing my favorite song on the radio or the candy bar my husband thought to pick up for me at the store!
This has to be one of my favorites, sleeping children pure and joyful and calm! Each night Jake climes in bed with us its normal early in the morning and when we get up he's so peaceful and it makes it really hard to get out of bed. This kid is crazy active and so to see him still is amazing.
Now please go through the circle, we are a few short this week, so be sure to leave a little blog love. Tara Carman, Cleveland/Akron Photographer
Also might wonder how I got together with all these fabulous photographers head over to the Bloom Blog
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
This has to be one of my favorites, sleeping children pure and joyful and calm! Each night Jake climes in bed with us its normal early in the morning and when we get up he's so peaceful and it makes it really hard to get out of bed. This kid is crazy active and so to see him still is amazing.
Now please go through the circle, we are a few short this week, so be sure to leave a little blog love. Tara Carman, Cleveland/Akron Photographer
Also might wonder how I got together with all these fabulous photographers head over to the Bloom Blog
Friday, April 29, 2011
52 Project {week 16} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
Week 16! We are a few short this week only 14 other photographer joining me! This weeks theme is movement! So thats fun... and so many thing I could do with it. It just so happened that the kids were running around the front yard like banshee and all I had to do was sit still!
So if you'll click on the links you'll go in a circle and end up back at me I highly recommend it go check out Crystal Keith, San Diego Photographer because she's amazing!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
So if you'll click on the links you'll go in a circle and end up back at me I highly recommend it go check out Crystal Keith, San Diego Photographer because she's amazing!
Friday, April 22, 2011
52 Project {week 15} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
ITS friday! So this week there are 17 other photographer in our circle so please be sure you go look at everyones photos. This weeks theme is paper! Geez paper let me tell you the truth I thought fun I'll do some origami so I cut 56 7x7cm squares folded about half of them and then try to make this amazing star that I saw on youtube... didn't work out in my favor. I'm not that awesome and so scratch that... while I'm sitting working I look down DUH simple enough my Starbucks paper cup! I often have my coffee friend with me while I work.
Now I'm happy to direct you to Jobrina Hofleit, Goodyear, AZ Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Now I'm happy to direct you to Jobrina Hofleit, Goodyear, AZ Photographer
Thursday, April 21, 2011
sweet love | Lubbock, Tx family photographer
I had order a new lens and I had a very willing model! She my little doll baby I love her to pieces and I think I'm gonna love this 85mm.
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Friday, April 15, 2011
52 Project {week 14} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
So every week I get more and more excited that I've made it another week! This weeks theme is "Hands" what a fun theme and wow all the things you can do with hands! So lets take it easy this week and enjoy some cute little hands! Don't forget to go check out all the other awesome photos, Nicki Pampell, Houston Family Photography.
My sweet little loves found small cans at target, and although they never get soda they were being so good and you should have a special treat every now and then. Right? I love these dirty little hands they had been playing outside for a few hours before I got them to work with me!And one extra because they were being so super sweet!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
My sweet little loves found small cans at target, and although they never get soda they were being so good and you should have a special treat every now and then. Right? I love these dirty little hands they had been playing outside for a few hours before I got them to work with me!And one extra because they were being so super sweet!
Friday, April 8, 2011
52 Project {week 13} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
So week 13! PHEW so this weeks theme is "shadows" this is another one that could go many ways and I can't wait to see what everyone does with this, and of corse leave lots of blog love as I view the other 21 lovely ladies photos! You should do the same and the next in line is Crystal Keith, San Diego Photographer.
Heres the back story, my husband has MS another struggle that we'll battle and pray about! He had another MRI tuesday, thankfully he works at the hospital and is only a few floors away. At the same time he's know's everyone and so after the MRI they offer it up for him to see. He tells me there are more spots. I'm worried and very much want to go to the see the neurologist with him but I'm shooting realtors for the Lubbock Magazine and my thursday is crazy busy. So I pray and God made it happen my 10am moved to 9:30 and she was such a lovely lady and every easy to photography, my 11 am cancelled so I was free! I made it, only to hear that in fact he does have two new spots or "shadows" on the right side of his brain :( but on the flip side the shadows on the left side of the brain from last year are getting better. THANK YOU GOD! I really wanted to photograph the MRI scan but I didn't want to be rude towards the doctor or interfere in the important information he was giving us. And its gosh darn hard to create shadows in a room without windows and only a few minutes!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
Heres the back story, my husband has MS another struggle that we'll battle and pray about! He had another MRI tuesday, thankfully he works at the hospital and is only a few floors away. At the same time he's know's everyone and so after the MRI they offer it up for him to see. He tells me there are more spots. I'm worried and very much want to go to the see the neurologist with him but I'm shooting realtors for the Lubbock Magazine and my thursday is crazy busy. So I pray and God made it happen my 10am moved to 9:30 and she was such a lovely lady and every easy to photography, my 11 am cancelled so I was free! I made it, only to hear that in fact he does have two new spots or "shadows" on the right side of his brain :( but on the flip side the shadows on the left side of the brain from last year are getting better. THANK YOU GOD! I really wanted to photograph the MRI scan but I didn't want to be rude towards the doctor or interfere in the important information he was giving us. And its gosh darn hard to create shadows in a room without windows and only a few minutes!
Friday, April 1, 2011
52 week project {week 12} | Lubbock, Tx photographer
Phew what a week! I'm so thankful for fridays! And without fail this week also has a theme! So for week twelve our theme is reflection. I had to ask my group for a little motivation, because I could take this either way simple or be down right depressing and sad. I picked the simple not to much in depth.
You see every day I see a photo of my mom and me on my fridge I was 15 my mom had hair in this photo :) she had already been fighting cancer for 3 years. Four years later I lost my mom, and I'm still broken hearted I make it through each day, but the hurt never goes away. I pray as hard as I can every day but I think when you lose a parent that you didn't have enough time with and they were your best friend it'll hurt no matter what. I'm beyond thankful for the life I have and the beautiful children I get to chase after each day but while I'm running after them being the dino I often feel alone. This week I happened to be photographing one of my husbands lovely limited acoustic guitars. When I checked the image I saw my reflection, crap... I didn't mean for that to happen dumb flash agh! WAIT this is what I needed a reflection in something that is now a very much a part of my life, my husbands guitar. I'm so thankful that he has the talent that he does it often clams me down and makes me happy! Very happy!
Please see what my group did for reflection I know you wont be disappointed, starting with Tara Carman, Akron Ohio Photographer
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
You see every day I see a photo of my mom and me on my fridge I was 15 my mom had hair in this photo :) she had already been fighting cancer for 3 years. Four years later I lost my mom, and I'm still broken hearted I make it through each day, but the hurt never goes away. I pray as hard as I can every day but I think when you lose a parent that you didn't have enough time with and they were your best friend it'll hurt no matter what. I'm beyond thankful for the life I have and the beautiful children I get to chase after each day but while I'm running after them being the dino I often feel alone. This week I happened to be photographing one of my husbands lovely limited acoustic guitars. When I checked the image I saw my reflection, crap... I didn't mean for that to happen dumb flash agh! WAIT this is what I needed a reflection in something that is now a very much a part of my life, my husbands guitar. I'm so thankful that he has the talent that he does it often clams me down and makes me happy! Very happy!
Please see what my group did for reflection I know you wont be disappointed, starting with Tara Carman, Akron Ohio Photographer
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
My ham hocks |Lubbock tx, Family photographer
I love that every once and awhile they will allow me to photograph them!
Lubbock photographers, children photographers, family photographers, professional photographers, family portrait photographers, portrait photographer, lubbock tx, Lubbock kid photographer, lubbock newborn photographer, lubbock family photographer, lubbock childrens photographers, lubbock child photographer, west texas photographer
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