About Me

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Lubbock, Tx, United States
Lubbock Texas children photographer, family photographer. Thanks for coming to the blog! I plan to update as often as I can a few sneak peeks of my latest work! If you are interested in photos please go back to my web page and contact me! Have a blessed day!

Misty Setzler Web Site

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 103

I like to be outside! Because I get to sit and watch my children play and they are so happy and its so nice and peaceful!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 102

My stewy his life has changed so much but he's still going look at that tail!

Day 101

This was my favorite book when I was little my mom must have read this to me a million times I'm very happy to pass it along to my kids but it makes me very sad because I miss my mom!

Day 100

This was a stress... our refridgerator went out so in stead of fixing the old one {5 years and 4 months old} we bought a new one, this was not something fun to find and the large buy and gag!

day 99

One part of my very messy shelves. I love this corner because of my ducks.

day 98

Lets play catch up with photos of things I see everyday. This was taken in my car with the iphone this is where I tend to check my mail and text why you ask because the boy in the back seat is pretty happy and it just gives me a sec to myself!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 96

This remind me of my mom so much! She LOVED pico de gallo, she used to make it all the time. Its the little things that trigger all the memories!

Day 94

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 93

My sweet stewy! I love his smile he's such a funny dog, I'm happy to see that smile because I can tell at bed time he's lonely and misses his friend!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 92

My husband will never have an ego, so let me do it for him! HE IS AWESOME and is SO amazing when he's playing guitar!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

day 91

The sun came out today... that made me so happy... but these wonderful sunflowers are not out yet :(

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 88

Because I thought I posted this already!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 87

So last night I went out with a group of stay at home moms, I've known these women for 4 years now, and I'm very luck to know them! Last night was Mrs.K's going away party, she and her family got a great offer in another state. We are very sad to see them go but excited for their adventure! We wish them the best of luck.

And yes when stay at home (some now working) Mom's go out... we are loud and tend to drink... a few :) We had a blast and it was great catching up with everyone!

Day 86

I was lucky enough to do a really awesome photo shoot at the Ranching Heritage center. This was extra neat because lately they've been running photographer off... not me I got the gates opened and a tour in the golf cart although I've already been there a MILLION times! I'll show my finished photo and why I was there later!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 85 April 12

Rest In Peace our sweet Shylo! Today Shylo left us, we are very sad to have lost her but she has been in a lot of pain. This was taken last September, when she much better shape!

Day 84 april 11th

Day 83...april 10th

Saturday, April 10, 2010


"OH fancy shutter speeds" lol yea today was fun I'll share more later and A LOT more on my personal blog but its past bed time!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 82

Sorry I've got stuff going on... iphone pic... will have to do!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 78

Lately I've done real good about limiting my sugar intake. But these are my favorite by far starburst jelly beans! I bought a umm few bags... :) I used my lens baby for this one.

Day 77 April.2.2010

One of us did something and well it wasn't my husband... oh yea it was our 5 year anniversary this is the same sparkling wine at our wedding.